Alliance Dr. Olga Mohan High School

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Mohan will be closed on Monday, August 21

Good Evening Mohan, 
Alliance and LAUSD have announced district-wide and network-wide school closures for Monday, August 21 due to the continued and yet to be determined impact of tropical storm Hillary. 

While Mohan currently continues to be in good working order as of 5:30pm (internet, power, passable roads, no flooding), we are expecting winds and torrential rains this evening which could dramatically alter our transportation networks, infrastructure, and utility grids.

We will continue to monitor the storm closely and make adjustments based on weather conditions and consultations with our local agencies. 

I will continue to send updates via email and ParentSquare as the situation develops. 

We expect to resume classes on Tuesday, August 22 at 8:30am. 

As always, stay safe, stay healthy, and go Bulldogs!

Andrew King